
Old photo challenge

I hopped over to one of my new favorite blogs, Busy Bee Lauren, and she challeneged her readers to post some old photos and give the stories behind them. The wonderful thing about this girl, is her story is much like mine. She married her high school sweetheart, who also happened to go on a mission. She waited for her husbsand too and now they are happily married.

It was really fun to go back and read her story of the day he returned from the mission. I felt everything she felt and related in such a way that I think others might not understand unless they experienced it themselves. I loved reading her story.

So here they are...
The day he came home from Brazil.
My heart lept out of my chest the first time I heard him call me baby again. I wrote this post last year to sum up my feeling about the mission. He came home almost five years ago.

Gabe asked me to marry him a few weeks later. He sang Unchained Melody and got down on one knee.
It was perfectly romantic.

We were married six months later. All my dreams came true.

Go ahead and take on the challenge. Post some of your favorites!


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Awww! I LOVE it! Wasn't the day he came home magical? Love it.

Sara said...

You are soooo gorgeous! I love the photo that's looking up at you two kissing. Congrats on marrying your best friend and sweetheart, I can only hope I'm lucky enough to do the same one day!

Ashly said...

Eww, gushy love stuff! :0) Just kidding. Too cute.

Nama said...

Aw, you guys are too cute. :)