
The balloon

Indianola is known for a hot air balloon festival held every summer. Sadly we will be leaving Iowa a few days before it starts. There is even a musuem that Gabe and I plan to peruse one of these days. I was on my way back from Des Moines when I spotted this off to my left...

Because I had nothing else to do, I decided to get closer and try and find it. So I went down a couple country roads and got pretty close. It was beautiful!

If you wanted to know how to reduce stress in your life I suggest the following
1. Quit your job
2. Follow your husband to Iowa
3. Craft/Sew
4. Follow hot air balloons down country roads

You won't have a ton of money but you'll have a job again soon and you'll know you're living your life to the fullest. Happy Monday! Didn't know I could really mean it until now.


Shells said...

very cool! Sounds like you're having alot of fun. Definitely enjoy it, nursing will always be there when you're ready to go back to it :)

Ashly said...

Shaweet! I love the midwest. :0)

r said...

That does sound like the way to live stress-free :) Glad you're having a good time!

Unknown said...

For some reason I don't think I knew you guys moved to Iowa. What's in Iowa? And you do seem so happy and stress free. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I agree on the stress free life. I love being home to take care of Jason, and work on little arts and crafts. Currently working on 2 needle points. one for Chuck and Amy and one for the baby