
That one time when I turned thirty...

I found out I was pregnant March 28, 2013. Gabe was home and I was grateful to find out together. We slowly started telling our families but the numbers were small. I had no idea what to expect with this pregnancy. I called to schedule my fist Obgyn appt and they said you'll be 7 weeks on April 17 let's schedule you then. Little did they know I had a very big birthday just one day earlier. I kind of begged to be seen on my birthday and she obliged. I was so excited for that appt. seeing that tiny little peanut in my belly made everything real and it became my very best birthday.

Later that week my family threw me a surprise birthday with my extended family and friends. It was so amazing! I was only 7 weeks pregnant but felt like it would be so awesome to tell everyone! So after snacks and drinks and gabbing we gathered everyone around and told them we were pregnant. Everyone was screaming and so happy. I'm so glad we spilled the beans. That will always be a great memory for me.

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