-The Preisser's are moving back to Florida, for like more than a month. We're getting a place of our own and I'm going to get a job with good benefits for the first time in two years (high hopes that my interview goes well!). We're excited.
-Upacking all of our stuff out of boxes is going to be like Christmas morning.
I know it for sure.
-Guess what else friends, if you come to FL or specifically Orlando you will HAVE to visit.
Here's a pic of the house we're moving into. First time we've lived in a house since we've been married. So excited for this next step. Gabe is going to be traveling a lot for his career and we decided that moving to Orlando was the next best step for us. That way I'll have a support system when he's traveling. We feel really good about this decision. We're leaving Minneapolis at the end of July! See you soon!